Claudio Beranzoli alias Claber
Claudio Beranzoli alias Claber  

Welcome in the official web site of the painter Claudio Beranzoli

Claudio Beranzli alias Claber

Claudio Beranzoli , also known as Claber was born in Rome were now lives and works.


He was artistically self-taughtand has had an intense passion for expression in art from an early age, beginning with drawing and developing into oil painting and watercolor.


Besides suggestive landscapes and peaceful harbor setting , the reoccurring themes in his marine paintings are tugboats from 1930's crossing turbolent seas,



His work frequently exibited in Rome and in other parts of Italy and his  work have been presented in recent exhibitions in Brussels and in Paris.

The paintings of Claber today are in varius private collectinos worldwide including Japan, United States, Australia, Russia, China .



Permanent exhibition at the "INNER SPACE" by Anna Ruocco gallery of Ravello .

Prossime esposizioni

dal 11 febbraio al 11 Marzo 2020 , esposizione presso L'Ambasciata USA .


Prossimamente esposizione permanente  in Piazza Navona . 

Next exibitions

From 11 february to 11 march 2020 , exposition to USA Embassy - Roma 

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© Claudio Beranzoli F.M.Veracini 45 00124 ROMA